Join The Awesome $100 Contest At!

Kranthi of is hosting a contest with the prizes that I wanted to get. Well, not only me wanting to win but all who join the contest. is a nice blog that has lots of great blogger designs. Good enough he hosting this wonderful contest that bloggers really like to join. The mechanics of the contest is very simple that even a newbie blogger can do it quick. You have still a lot of time to join because the deadline is this coming March 25th. So better go there and join the fun....

Mechanics Of The Contest:

How to get Points ?

Simple! There are lot of ways to earn points.

1. Just leave a comment there (max 1 comment per person)
Points you get : 2

2. Digg the Post:
Points : 3

3. Blog about the Contest :
Just spread the word by writing a small review about the contest (min 100 words) in your blog including a link to the contest page and a link each to both of the contest sponsors.
Points : 15 x your blog's Pagerank
Ex: If your Blog's Pagerank is 3 , you get 45 pts .
(Note: 10 pts if the Pagerank is Zero).
1 Post max per blog. So, the more blogs you have, the more points you can get.
And, he don't accept newly created blogs or blogs with less contest to avoid creation of new blogs just for the sole purpose of the contest.

4. Add a small banner in your blog about the contest.
Just copy this html code and paste it in your blog sidebar...
*max 1 per blog
Points : 10

5. Subscribe to their Email newsletter:
Let him know with your email if you have already subscribed.
Points : 10

Here are the prizes and the sponsors:

The Sponsors:
The prize comes courtesy of these people: - Home Improvement Contractors - Banner Ad Blog & Directory

Here are the Prizes:

1st Place : $50 hard cash

2nd Place : $25

3rd Place: $15

4th, 5th & 6th Places : $5 each