Boating and Alcohol Don't Mix

My father is a fisherman and I love to fish in the ocean. If I do not have money I just simply go to the ocean and catch fish I used to do it since I was young until college. I have lots of fun doing it and I miss all of those things since I am already here in America. When hubby went to our place we did some boating and have some fun. Here in America there are certain rules that you need to follow when you do boating. Some people drink alcohol while they are on their boats. As we know, Boating and Alcohol Don't Mix together because there are tendencies that you will have an accident. There are rules you must follow. According to Arizona Game and Fish Department this violation is just like driving a car while you are drinking alcohol its too dangerous. This violation is a Class One misdemeanor. "A boating law enforcement saturation patrol is on the water for one reason only — to save lives" of the people who loves to do boating. Arizona Game and Fish Department said:

"The boat’s driver will be checked to ensure he or she is not endangering others by operating a boat while under the influence of alcohol; and your boat will be assessed for it’s safety equipment to ensure it meets legal requirements."

This is a great law that enforce by Arizona Game and Fish Department and I salute you for that. This will help our boaters safe from dangers. If you want to learn more about this boating laws just simple watch the video or click the link above.