It has been a while since I last posted by entry here in Scenic Sunday and I am sorry about that. The picture below was taken last week my very first snow here in our place. All the people in our place are happy because since 2003 they did not have any snow. When the snow came last week everybody is happy and some people just walking the street just like summer time. Hubby and i with our son also have a nice drive that day we have a snow. The place was filled with snow and looks pretty. I remembered my first snow in Utah that I really enjoyed it. My son and I have a great time playing with the snow. Some people hate it but we love it. So here is my son just rooming around and feel the coldness of the snow.
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It looks like such fun and how nice that snow can be enjoyed for a brief time, with the emphasis on 'brief' for we have it for a long time during our winter. Nice picture.
Your son looks as if he is having fun -- I'm glad he got to play in some snow.
Thanks for visiting my site.
Nice snow photo !
Have a nice day !
That's a really cute picture of your son walking in the snow. Happy Scenic Sunday:)
thanks for sharing!
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hello gen! looks your son had fun with the snow, he is so cute. Check out my Scenic Sunday here and thanks for leaving a message.
What a winter wonderland! Hehehee I haven't seen snow yet!
Your little fella really have fun in the middle of the field of snow. I'm imagining how does it feel since I haven't tried playing into snow yet hehe.